Netizens also rushes

Another baby gone? The doctor said to be absorbed by the placenta or the mother

This thing is very common, and many early pregnancy are twins, survival of the fittest competition

Reporter correspondent Yan Qi Nie Wen Wen Qiong Qiu

Obviously crummy B-twins, how after 18 days it becomes a singleton births, Ms. Huang was first pregnancy engage in "Halo" was.

Another fetus where to go? The doctor said there is "absorbed", some say "apoptosis" and short situation "normal."

These answers can not straighten her mind question mark, husband and mother also lost a child to accidentally heartbroken.

After a lapse of 18 days to single births of twins

Yesterday, the 29-year-old Ms. Huang in Wuhan, a website forum posts, May 26 this year, was found pregnant, a very happy man, husband "tongue stroke is not straight." The couple has twin gene family parties, will also speculated twins.

40 days of pregnancy, reproductive medicine specialist to Wuhan Tongji Medical blood test, HCG value is high (human chorionic gonadotropin) levels, doctors analyze baby development is very good, but also could be twins. 10 days to review, test results are "double-sac double primitive heart tube pulse", local fluid areas. Doctors recommend hospitalization, and later at home recuperating.

18 days later, Ms. Huang has hung disturbed Union Hospital of experts, the experts had found that B comparison, two babies in a sac, the situation is not very good, it is recommended then re photos. The results so she was shocked - just a fetus of.

Ms Wong very sad. If the child says, "run off", why not have abdominal pain,louboutin pas cher, bleeding or discharge foreign matter?

Netizens also rushes: "! You have also absorb too afraid of his brother or sister, it's horrible." "If the baby is more than hands and feet or more organs how to do"?

Two embryos each competition, survival of the fittest

Reporter Obstetrics confirmation to Tongji,, Concord,, commercial grade and many other hospitals, experts say,, the situation is indeed very common. Will encounter a few cases a year to dozens of cases.

Hubei Province, will be chairman of reproductive medicine, obstetrics and gynecology professor at Tongji Hospital Gui Jin said, "single fetal abortion rate is also about 17%, of course, may run off a twin,, or even two." Many of the early pregnancy was twins,chaussures tn pas cher,, in development process,scarpe hogan, the two competing embryo survival of the fittest, the weaker that stopped fertility, which is a natural screening process, is a normal phenomenon.

"In the past not so much checking means that most have not been found. Is only a small part of the now discovered that one of the twins was eliminated early, many, most leaving a single child is still safe and sound, Ms. Wong does not have to be too worried. "Gui said Kim.

Gui Kim explained, in general,giubbotti woolrich, by splitting an egg out of monozygotic twins rarely happens, these are the healthy development of the fetus either, or there is a problem at the same time. "Nature fetal reduction" occurred in the dizygotic twins and IVF: a normal fetal development, the other is "disappeared", the reason is very complex, chromosomal abnormalities is the main reason, the occurrence rate of about 60%.

The disappearance of the fetus in early pregnancy, the placenta or the mother is often absorbed,louboutin femme, and the remaining one or more tires can still be normal development,, the mother does not appear ill, not bleeding or discharge foreign matter, so Ms. Huang no strange feeling is normal .

Are twins 12 weeks to do B

Is it wrong before the doctor? In response to this suspicion of users, Wuhan eleven Hospital B-Ye think any director, in general, B-ultrasound, "may have missed, will not see much," more than 50 days of pregnancy can be clearly seen, Ms. Wong "Two sac double primitive heart tube pulse" instructions are dizygotic twins, but the possibility of the existence of natural selection. He averaged a year also saw a dozen such cases.

Overseas studies have reported that in the early diagnosis of B-twin pregnancies, about 1/5 of the later will disappear. Many doctors will remind pregnant mother, pregnant with twins,, if found in the first few weeks of pregnancy, do not be too excited, and so after 12 weeks of pregnancy do B timeout can be determined.

Experts also, for example, there is a "paper gentile" is a close second trimester fetus, the other normal pregnancy due to constantly being squeezed fetal amniotic sac, stillbirth part of the soft tissue is absorbed. Wait until the birth mother, the fetus becomes again flat and thin like paper, but the outline was clearly visible. This is our common natural abortion, is to stop the development of the fetus in utero due.

It is worth noting that one in three months after the occurrence of twin pregnancy disappear,, risk maternal and fetal complications greatly increased, pregnant mothers should be closely observed to prevent complications.

including five residents of the home was razed.

Sports Network (Chutianjinbao) Weihua correspondent reported: yesterday 1:30, just when most people sleep, the more than 30 men broke into Ezhou city of Hubei Province,mulberry handbags outlet, Yang Lane two residents of the home,, The sleeping four people forced out of the house. Meanwhile,, several large machinery to the scene to work, within half an hour, five residents of the home (the other three households nobody at home) houses were razed to the ground.

Yesterday afternoon, reporters rushed to Ezhou interview. Yang Lane on the sidewalk, residents sitting together, discussing the scene just happened. "This is my home demolished houses." Wang Zhen Jie people pointing to a wall of wooden beams going down against the red walls said. This reporter saw the rubble even see refrigerators, TVs and other furniture.

41-year-old Wang Zhen Jie is Ezhou who, many years ago to Chinese business. 6:00 yesterday morning,gucci pas cher, Wang Zhen Jie Wang Yongquan received a 72-year-old father, a telephone, and quickly chartered back to Ezhou. According to reports,cheap jordans for sale, yesterday 1:30 Xu, Yang Lane on the 31st,, the Wang Yongquan bamboo bed to sleep in the living room, his wife in the back room of Principle Value wooden bed rest. Suddenly, the door was kicked open living room,escarpin louboutin pas cher, several men appeared in front of two elderly people. "You do?" Wang Yongquan face of this unexpected scene asked. "We are ×× police station." Just finished the other side, a few elderly men from bamboo bed shelves put up, without any explanation Wang Wuwai drag. Then, 70-year-old also stand out Principle Value of the house. Subsequently,, the two old men were taken to five or six meters away on the mouth of the Yangtze River ferry and marshland.

Like with Wang Yang Lane residents back on the 5th of Liao Ying and her daughter suffered a "strongman" broke into the house and the case was forcibly taken away. In the process of being forcibly taken away,, 80-year-old Liao back to Britain because of resistance,hollister outlet uk, right knee was dragged on the ground, you can see the obvious injuries.

After four residents were forcibly removed from the house,, a few long standby large machinery began work immediately. After half an hour,, including Wang and Liao,, including five residents of the home was razed.

the main computer chassis to be cast aside

Information Times (Reporter correspondent Liu Xiaoguang Chen Yan) "Pepsi Darcy pastry pie" is a lot of old folks Guangzhou frequented the place, but from April 24 onwards, the company owner and several executives moment "evaporate" More than 120 employees Wages were nearly a million. Recently, Yuexiu court seized property went to the company headquarters. It is understood that Blockbuster five districts in the city a total of 28 branches, mainly engaged in cakes,chaussures louboutin hommes, breads, pastries,gucci femme pas cher,, midpoint,, cold drinks, etc.,louboutin pas cher, has been operating for more than a decade,, but had been both traditional and trendy neighborhood of Guangzhou welcome.

According to one employee said, on April 24,tiffany outlet online, he found when looking to purchase production materials company leadership boss gone,, employees later found out that the company director and other senior assistant manager in charge of logistics and other collective disappearances, and urban cash within 28 branches all swept away, also drove a van. Recently, according to court staff Yuexiu apply to those in Sanyuanli cursory Kong Pepsi daga factory premises preservation of property, machinery and equipment for the plant in the seizure of such property in accordance with law.

Valuable parts removed early to go

Reporters on the scene saw the seizure came yesterday,, Blockbuster plants on its behalf,nike tn femme pas cher, a total rented a three layers cursory post a factory building, the first floor is the workshop and warehouse,, on the third floor is the office and another part workshop.

Through the clutter stacked freezer, the reporter entered the first floor of the workshop, while a musty odor nostrils, turn the power on until after the building property management total gate, I saw the empty shelves in the workshop, most of the property has been missing ,, only a few large pieces of baking machines,, freezers and other equipment; and within only a few offices on the third floor is a mess, files scattered all over the floor, the main computer chassis to be cast aside, Open View original accessories have been worthless split away.

Wages up to nearly one million

Blockbuster employee representative, told reporters after the high-level group on foot, owed more than 120 employees 2-4 month salary totaling more than 90 million, everyone was overwhelmed, April 29 afternoon guidelines labor inspectorate Under, has handled the registration of labor arbitration filing, and to apply for the preservation of property Yuexiu District Court, the court to seal, they did little to settle down.

he paid a total of 680 yuan.

"Last August, my wife to accompany Tongling People's Hospital four-dimensional ultrasound, the hospital received someone else's price is $ 360, but asked me to pay double the money, because my wife was pregnant with twins. This fee reasonable?" Recently Each thought about it, Tongling public Wang felt depressed. Yesterday afternoon, he told reporters reflect the matter.

According to Mr. Wang, last August 14, at the hospital to pay 360 yuan,, he loved to do with the four-dimensional ultrasound,chaussures tn pas cher, "but then I was told that because of the twins, still have to pay an examination fee." Mr. Wang said,", net of related subsidies,hogan online store,, he paid a total of 680 yuan.

Wang Although skeptical,, but still paid the money required, "but I recently learned that the hospital charges may not meet the standard price. This fee is based on the number of children in the end count, or count the number of times? If yes triplets quadruplets,, how fees? "

14:00 yesterday, the reporter linked to the prices do Tongling City People's Hospital in name director. "Four-dimensional ultrasound charges should now be considered in accordance with the times, according to the number of children should not be counted." To name director told reporters, as do the four-dimensional ultrasound time-consuming,woolrich parka,, difficult,,moncler uomo outlet, and therefore more likely to receive health care costs, "suggests the gentleman with related receipts over, if you really overcharged, we will return the extra money, and apologize to him. "

Subsequently, the reporter consulted on the issue Tongling Municipality,spaccio moncler, The response was:. "We already know the matter is currently under investigation."

Reporters also consulted the bureau of Anhui agricultural and pharmaceutical prices at. "According to existing regulations, four-dimensional ultrasound is to charge per-view,, but the medical profession on the 'secondary' disputed meanings. For patients in favor of the principle of the province stipulates currently either single or multiple births births all in accordance with singleton births to charge fees. "A staff member said.

who do not dare to plead

July 14, netizen "zj888" Pujiang Forum post: River a boss with a tied dog chained workers, forced him to work from 6:00 am to 1:00 next day, more than one thousand is 19 hours , during which only allowed to the toilet, sleeping people were locked in the bed, the bedroom door locked from the outside. Workers lock owner surnamed Chen, worker surnamed Tang, Chen chain with his dog on the grounds that, Don owed him money.

Young law trainee reporter correspondent Zheng Wenliang Xu Xiankang ceremony verify reports:

July 15 at noon, the reporter along River Road Economic Development Zone, a little red all the way to visit, Chen finally found the owner of the plant, where the shutter doors locked,, has been suspended.

Plant is a hot drilling company leased Chen, on the third floor,, called Xing flag garment factory. Nearby workers said a few days ago this plant still open, then do not know how to shut up.

Hot drilling company's security chief following the Board I said after the accident, Mr. Chen was a five people were taken away by police. Mr. Chen and his wife because the older, was released on bail; Zhang pregnant daughter has been put out, Lin and his stepson's sister has been in the detention center.

Open the shutter doors, the reporter saw the flag Hing garment factory has more than a dozen machines, earth piled fabric, wood, motorcycles, aluminum and other debris, plant in the middle there is a wall of partition walls, half were torn down. Shutter doors opposite the partition wall is also leaving some sawdust.

Following the bureau said Yu, early July, a factory fire River Zone, the local determination banning "triple play" workshop (workshop, dormitories, canteens in factories inside), with the exception flag Hing garment factory for non-compliance, informing Mr. Chen several times, still does not change, so the power to cut off, Mr. Chen took his own plant and equipment outlet - latte hammer to knock four mad.

On a sewing machine,, stood an iron hammer,, a gravure on the table, a hoop machine was also knocked down. I shook my head following the bureau said: "They were a very violent temper, and unreasonable."

On the left side there is a small room plant, about 10 square meters, stood a few wooden benches, lights falling from the roof, is fixed on shutter doors. Here is the Tang living room, he was a man in a room, because other people who live here are women.

Snowy night wearing chains escape

He refused to open the chains were forced to work in factories debt

Shoe factory floor workers Bear: In order to prevent a thief, who has the factory every night shifts. At 20:00 on January 7 and more, still under the snow,tiffany milano, it was my turn to see the yard. Suddenly,]www.nflwholesalejer[/honey.cgi]damen, a colleague told me that someone went to the shop going. I drive past the time, did not see one. Colleagues say go to the office, I went to the office, no one. As a precaution, I went to the toilet,hogan, and sure enough it was.

The man looked about 50 years old, head is not high, the hair a little long, speak no spirit, like a little old man. My colleagues and I will be "little old man" from the inner tube out of the toilet and found a dog chain on his left ankle, on the edge of the meat almost rotten.

I suspect he may be fugitives, asked if he was doing? He said he was surnamed Tang, after which no talking, just repeating "Someone hit me."

For safety reasons, we shouted to plant security.

He refused to open chains

Following more than security team captain Bureau: I saw Tang, did not like the thief, but rather the old social landlord locked long-term employment. He told me that the third floor of a factory worker, the boss fight him. Before we listening to the incident, on the third floor garment factory owner Zhang daughter hurriedly ran down and told us not to interfere, that this person owes money to their home.

Then how can not lock up portrait of a dog ah, we asked Zhang took out the key, the chain opened. Zhang flatly refused, saying that they do not have the key. This thing only to find the public security, and I called 110.

Then, out of the door of the workers, to see the feet of Tang wearing chains,>horses, have accused from Zhang. Seeing things to become significant, Zhang then pulled the keys from him. However, Tang refused, he wants for his experience, leaving evidence.

Debt forced to work in a factory

Attn police: We received a report arrived at the security room and saw a thin man of about fifty feet locked with chains, after the evidence, we untied his chains.

Chen and his family of five people suspected of committing crimes,woolrich online, including his wife Liu, stepson Lin, Zhang Lin, his wife, and Zhang's sister.

The way it is, Mr. Chen was a must factories, but all of a sudden not hire many employees. Tang played work in Guangdong, know a lot of workers, one would hope that Chen Tang, from Guangdong to recruit workers River.

Last July, Tang from Guangdong to find 43 workers back to River. But attracting workers and wages and the owner could not agree, they ran back to Guangdong. Workers come and go, there are a few million of expenses, Chen Tang boss will help share.

This matter was referred to the government, the outcome of mediation are: original cost spent on recruitment, Tang is responsible for half - 1.4 million. Because Don could not get the money, and the owner had to go to work to debt.

After five or six months, Tang had to think about the money, and in the case of Mr. Chen them unknowingly, leave the factory, to work to make money elsewhere.

Later, Mr. Chen Tang was a discovery, was brought back to the factory to prevent Tang escape, they come up with a dog chain lock, locked him up, forcing him to continue to work. Weekdays, Lin wife's sister is responsible for guarding.

Tang said that, in order to suffer less fist, he can only honestly be locked, if he walked, the sound of a chain ring, and the keepers can hear the sound; in the evening, she does not live in a dorm with Tang,parajumpers jakke, put chains and the other end tied to the bed, the doors are all locked up. Thousand is 19 hours a day, it is too much, and was locked for 13 days,peuterey spaccio, to take advantage of the opportunity that he's on the toilet at night to escape.

Why nobody alarm

Tang locked in those days, there are more than 10 workers in the factory, how no one alarm or to intercede for him then?

"These workers are basically ignorant of the law, I do not know of a serious situation. At the same time, but not their own thing." Factory security guard said.

"The boss is very irritable temper, who do not dare to plead, let alone the police." Dare to be named one of the workers said.

Mr. Chen's factory complex structure, difficult for outsiders to go in, not easy to find.

Floor shoe factory owner,, said: "We generally do not contact,, each managing its own factory, each floor has several import and export, import and export corresponding to each of the manufacturers are not the same day if Laotang did not run. to our factory, we simply do not know about it. "

the river appeared a few years ago A gravel plant

2 pm yesterday, a sweltering hot weather. Chong City three Yangma Town along the river outside the village, thin stature, his face sweat Zhu Hongli eyes staring blankly river two homemade raft. Raft, wearing a life jacket people are using fishing rods and fishing hooks in the water searching for the remains of her handsome boyfriend week.

Unfortunately,piumini moncler, the river swim drowning

say, July 31, a student Zhou Zhou Shuai Shuai invite her and other students to eat. 6 o'clock that evening after dinner, everyone came Yangma cool river, Zhou Shuai swim the river with two friends. Soon, the river came the cries,piumino moncler, Zhou Shuai torrent volume to deep water. Two students with a swim in the river swam quickly to Zhou Shuai,, Zhou Shuai failed to grasp the hand. Moment, rushing water depth of four rushed to Zhou Shuai Metres. We dialed 119 and 110 after informing the people in the village. The villagers rushed, but the dark river can not see anything.

14:00 yesterday, when the Chengdu Chinese Commercial News reporters rushed to the scene, Yang Ma river around over the villagers, they are hoping to soon find Zhou Shuai body. Width of 50 meters of the river, a kayak slowly moving forward, four firefighters staring river, fishing hooks with fishing rods and fishing in the river.

"There would have been no water so deep, are before digging gravel gravel plant caused." Villagers told reporters in Chengdu Commercial Daily, the incident of the river belong to the jurisdiction of Xingyi Xinjin County town, the river appeared a few years ago A gravel plant, because of uninterrupted sand mining,scarpe nike tn, there has been a lot of pit on the river bed, and now in many places water depth of four meters. Couple of years ago, gravel plant closed, but did not dig deep riverbed for backfilling, the river did not establish any warning signs.

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Villagers Zhou Fenglin said the incident 11 o'clock that night, Xinjin County Police Fire Brigade Squadron firefighters arrived new level. Understand the situation, quickly search in the river, but the next day until 3:00 pm, still did not find Zhou Shuai.

August 1 is too early in the morning 7:00, firefighters began to search again in the river. Zhou Shuai worry remains were washed downstream,, 1 August afternoon, the villagers incident occurred at a distance of about two kilometers of shallow water, with wood and tires homemade salvage the two rafts. "Certainly not going to let the body washed downstream." Zhou Fenglin said, the villagers got generators, bamboo poles and wires,outlet moncler online italia, etc., erected shacks in the river,, we salvage 24-hour shift.

"Former child so cute ...... A few days back I mentioned him food." Speaking of Zhou Shuai, the river stood a week in the afternoon her mother in tears. According to villagers, the villagers nearby Zhou Shuai almost all know, "he is good for everyone,, especially like to help the elderly, the village no one does not like him." Zhou Shuai admitted last October after three Town Government inspectors in urban and rural areas environmental management, work very good, colleagues liked him.

Yesterday afternoon, in the incident to the villagers salvage point,louboutin homme,, Yang Ma River was full of villagers. Some of the name of umbrellas,, some standing under a tree, and some also specifically bought a telescope stared at the river.

"Zhou Shuai is a good lad,, we must take him to find." The villagers Tong Shijiang said 19-year-old Zhou Shuai though is an only child, but usually very naive, and out of this thing we are very sad,, a lot of outside work who also came back, I hope you can help as soon as possible to find his remains.

Chengdu Chinese Commercial News reporters Xia Shu and Wei Shixi Wenhui reporter intern Luoming Yan Shu Tao Ke photography

over three percent is "80"

LONDON June 13 news: According to the "Labor" reported that unmarried parents,moncler sito ufficiale, over three percent is "80",,hogan prezzi, Jin Yicheng is "90." According to the Shanghai Intermediate People's Court for a marriage and family disputes involving illegitimate since 2008 trial analysis, unmarried family disputes was gradually rising trend, more and more young parents involved, the man asked to do more than Liucheng paternity .

"On account of my father wrote a column is not me, what say is my son?" "He had expected to have to rely on, fortunately I left his cigarette smoke removal,, get to do a paternity test." In over the 40-year-old Wang Wen alone in raising his son 14 years later, the son of Li Gang biological father to court to require payment of alimony judgment Gang 150,000. In 1997, Wang Wen and Li Gang met, even though both have been married,, but still in a relationship, and later discovered she was pregnant Wang Wen,, Li Gang request knock down a child, but she insisted on giving birth to a son Wu. But the son's birth certificate "father" is a column written by her husband Wu Lihua. A few years later, Wang Wen and her husband divorced, they found Li Gang twists and turns. Gang also often see the child began, but over a period of time, but playing the "missing." Finally they contacted, but denied that he is the child's father. Ultimately,woolrich sito ufficiale, the court recognized the paternity test report submitted by Wang Wen, Li Gang judgment to bear the cost of raising $ 750 per month.

In fact, refused to do so as the Gang paternity father, in similar cases City Court hearing is not much. According to one hospital statistics, 60% of cases the man is asking to confirm the identity of the child paternity; the woman for the plaintiff's case,giubbotti moncler, more than half of the woman's father, did not endorse the appraisal conclusion, require re-identification.

It is reported that, in recent years, involving illegitimate marriage and family disputes cases as a whole showed a rising trend. In 2008, the Court held a total of five such cases heard, accounting for 5.7% of all disputes in marriage and family class. In 2013 the number of such cases rose to 16, the proportion rose to 18.5%. In these cases, involving more and more young parents, over 30% of unmarried parents is "80", nearly became "90."

Unmarried, dependent children, who should? According to statistics in the hospital, both men and women after breaking up, because the biological father of the child care and spiritual investment is very lacking,��??I?, 90% awarded to mothers raising children, far higher than the legitimate child custody disputes.

"Children father refused to do a paternity test, on account of how the children?" This question stumped a lot of unmarried mothers. It is understood that the conditions for the newspaper accounts of illegitimate children, both parents must be issued by Health paternity and child proof. In order to give the child on the account, get a paternity test paper books,, became the father of unmarried mothers who send their children to the dock's main purposes. In addition to paternity, alimony also make unmarried mothers headaches. According to the report released by the Second Intermediate People's Court,woolrich donna, the situation is not optimistic about a lot of illegitimate children,, especially their biological parents after a family and raise children, illegitimate children became "sandwiched" isolated. At the same time, the existence of an illegitimate child support payments are also difficult to implement problem. "The lack of improvement of the child welfare system and the appropriate agencies to advance the system,, resulting in a limited number of illegitimate children of both parents or one indifferent conditions, the basic material life is difficult to protect." Professor at Shanghai University of Political Science and Law JUVENILE interview said.