
Another group renting fire


Reporter survey found that two-bedroom is separated out six "pigeon's nest"


Electric vehicle charging close implantation

WASHINGTON (intern reporter Wang Qipeng Chen Yawei) 6 o'clock yesterday morning, the 8th floor of Building 403,http://din-timelines.com/cgi-bin/forums/x-forum.cgi,cheap red bottom shoes, Chaoyang District, a group of renters happen Baiziwan East Village fire, a girl was injured. It is understood that the fire may be due to the electric car battery explosion caused during charging. After the fire, in addition to a girl next door frightened removed, the remaining tenant representation will continue to live here,http://club.miyazaki-mu.ac.jp/bell/yybbs/yybbs.cgi, because here the rent is low.

Yesterday, the reporter went to the floor of the incident found that the corridor is still choking smell burnt. Facing the elevator escape openings, four or five fire extinguishers put into a row. Fire door wide open room 803, the room dark,http://www.visitware.com, several tenants are waiting electrician came to pick electricity. Fire is a partition out of the room,moncler outlet, the fire department has been closed, the door is also close to a paper that read: "C Dark" (homeowner custom house number).

"6 o'clock in the morning, when he heard a sound, and then lived in the room next door to us girls to wake up everyone, we know is on fire." Tenant Xiaolei (a pseudonym) said, although we are very scared, but did not The girl dropped the fire in the room, but the side of self-help,http://www.als-net.com/cgi-bin/keijiban/als-keijiban.cgi, one side trying to put her out. Fortunately,http://blog.vanghe.cn/?action-viewcomment-type-news-itemid-17, that the girl opened the door himself escaped, but was injured. Xiaolei said the injured girl was taken to the hospital ambulance,http://www.afirmfwc.org/cgi-bin/index.cgi, his family has arrived in Beijing.

Cleaning staff responsible for the building of health, said the injured girl is not a light injury on his face and arms are injured. "I heard that for the electric car battery charging, the battery exploded, debris fell on the quilt." It is understood that the injured girl was in his early 20s, had just moved less than a month, every day from morning to evening,air max outlet, rent passengers who do not even know her name.

After the fire, the fire stayed in the room next door "B dark," the girl was frightened and moved away. Reporters saw the girl lived in the room moved only about eight square meters, completely shady, there is only a 1.5-meter-wide bed, a simple computer desk and a wardrobe, the only appliance is installed on the wall an energy-saving lamps. Tenants say this room and the room like a small fire, which the pattern is the same. As the room is too small, only on the bed when the battery is charged.

Reporters learned that Room 803 is an area of 101 square meters of two-bedroom. A tenant reports, intermediary to fight off this house, divided into six foreign rental tenants are university graduates and migrant workers. This fire comes to tenants who have fear, but most people have said they do not consider the wards. "Do not fight off the house Well sure, but the price will go up, rent a room going around 1,300 yuan, although poor group rent, the rent is 400-1000 yuan." As for the security issue, they say,hogan outlet 2015, can only more attention to their own.

Tenants say, because wages are not high,http://www.suma-yc.org, so the rent is forced to live in groups. Reporters learned from the downstairs agency, rent a one bedroom neighboring cell is 4000 yuan per month, the master bedroom with a bathroom is nearly 2,http://www.wazoo.jp/open/giravanz20130811game,000 yuan, and rent a room about 10 square meters off only a few hundred dollars . One agency told reporters that formal intermediary companies generally do not provide room partition rental, even only in some small black intermediary agency to rent between partitions. "Playing off of the house is not only unsafe, but also because it is not a regular agency,boutique louboutin paris, the tenant also often deceived."

(Original title: electric vehicle charging close to implantation)