
[Xinmin exclusive report] today (May 9) morning,louboutin soldes, Xinmin received puliao friends, get in Hami Road 1100 near a sidewalk sudden collapse occurs, a depression about three square meters large puddles.

Xinmin reporter on the scene saw the collapse of the sidewalk near Hamilton Road, cola intersection Jing Ye slaves pedestrian Bridge on the embankment, construction workers have now been surrounded by fences. Read on from the hole underneath the muddy water formed a small pond. In addition to the collapse of the road, surrounding the hole has a certain degree of sedimentation. Reporters saw the collapse mouth water depth of about forty centimeters away,http://bridgeco.jp/cgi-bin/days/days.cgi?command=read_message&msgnum=20/t/, is surrounded by three drainage wells,http://bbs.glgs.mgame.baidu.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=78360, wells have been opened, several surveyors are using the scale and range finder survey collapse area, and not far away from the collapsed section a drainage pumping station.

One eyewitness told reporters,http://klibredb.lib.kanagawa-u.ac.jp,christian louboutin outlet, 0900, he heard a sound of bricks falling into the water, then saw the sidewalk there was a big puddle. Fortunately, there was no people and vehicles pass.

A site person in charge in an interview with reporters,http://lauzyprygdjerwwprqqq.seesaa.net, said Xinmin,http://www.gitc.pref.nagano.lg.jp,chaussures louboutin hommes,http://www.global-link.jp/soudan.html, the relevant departments received the news, first at the scene investigations by specialized departments responsible for the specific cause of the accident survey. "We specifically puddles and drainage wells scale and depth finder survey, data analysis through specific extent within a puddle of sediment loss to investigate the cause of the collapse generated." The official speculated that the collapse may be the long-term groundwater erosion,nike air max pas cher, sediment soft ground due. Reporters learned that the collapse of the three drainage wells cave system built around five years ago, mainly for the discharge of sewage, site investigation showed that the depth of the well water is less than the depth of the collapse of the regional water level.

Because of the collapse area perpendicular to the Hamilton Road sidewalk leading to a community,http://yeast.lab.nig.ac.jp/cgi-bin/nig/search.cgi, few pedestrians,http://www.jyukenjyuku.jp,hogan outlet, traffic around the accident did not cause too much influence and pedestrians. At present, the specific reasons for the collapse is still under investigation. (Xinmin reporter intern Wang Xiaojun Wei Yun)