
House door has monkeys


Zoo task, it is out of sight early

September 1, Shinan Pacific Center Building 6, the sudden appearance of a little monkey, after being found prowling,borse burberry outlet, but also the residents go to the top floor of an apple. Scared monkey assault, police personnel and property horns of a small monkey house, but the zoo and other professionals came pm,cheap gucci handbags, a small monkey foreseen ran away. Where's the little monkey? Some people say that the owners had seen monkeys take over. City Wildlife Conservation Station staff said, there are no licenses to individuals do too.

Knock on the door in the morning to eat monkeys

September 1 morning, Pacific Center Building 6, the sudden appearance of an intruder. Was less than 7:00,http://www.qingdaominwang.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=84461, the owners live on the top floor 26th floor when he heard a movement outside, opened the door turned out to be a monkey. "Shocked." Owners said.

Where's the monkey ah? God breathed owners from fright, I feel very strange. "Look at the monkey standing in the doorway,http://www.oilservicesjobs.com/cgi-oilservicesjobs/news-clip.pl?n=30, I feel like hungry, come home looking for food, and I took an apple from the house to give it." Said the little monkey holding apple owners go long, and what might drill Local Chiqu. Watching monkeys Paoyuan owners relieved, and quickly called to the property, notify the roof there is a monkey.

"Upstairs there are monkeys? Will not be kidding?" After hearing Mr. Shen Pacific Centre security, and property staff went upstairs, with the help of the owners, they found a small monkey.

Police came, monkeys fleeing the room

Found that monkeys, security guards could do nothing, because do not understand the habits of monkeys, security guards approached dare. "It is not clear that the wild, or where lost, I feel particularly strange. Then I saw the little monkey, head is not large, appears to be a minor monkey, less than half a meter in length." Mr. Shen said that they do Indefinite monkeys, then quickly contact police, let them come and help.

Before long, the May Fourth Square police station rushed to the central Pacific. Police and security guards convergence up, ready to work together to catch monkeys. "Upstairs, a small monkey is very sensitive, has been prowling." Mr. Shen said, we want to catch the monkeys, but not close, people worried about the monkey scratched. "Old monkeys running around, nor is it a thing ah!" Scene police decided to see if there is no place nearby that can be used, first up sleepy little monkey.

Monkeys are also very smart, look over, it fled, can not close. When are you worried about, the little monkey ran along an empty when a room, the police and security prompt decision quickly shut the door of the room, the monkey trapped inside. Mr. Shen said the room is the highest point of the whole building, which has pools, a secondary water before use,air max uomo, then tap transformation, has abandoned the.

Around 9:00, the reporter went to the Pacific Center, just to leave the police encounter. Property staff Chongwe said police have no idea, no special equipment, simply grab vain. Now closing the door, the police decided to go back,http://marketing-nastasi.de, and then contact the relevant departments to deal with. Subsequently, the reporter went to the 6th floor of the room to find the trapped monkey, the monkey ran out of fear, reporters dare open the door.

Zoo come, little monkey out of sight

Later, the police contacted the forestry sector, forestry department sent staff home for disposal. Chongwe said the forestry sector morning came two comrades, a security door and looked at the time or in the monkey house. "The house has two or three hundred meters, has its activities in space, thinking it will not be too uncomfortable." Security, Mr. Shen said. However,hermes outlet online italia, two staff members of the forestry sector just to see the situation, nor carry professional tools, only to come back and re-contact treatment.

Approximately at 15:00 on the 1st,http://ep1005.0791bt.net/news/html/?253722.html, zoo professionals came two Pacific Centre. Reporters rushed to the scene, this time catching monkeys action has ended,http://youshouldntassume.com/discussion/3239805/58nhhb5f4n, unfortunately, the monkey ran away early. 26th floor next to the elevator,louis vuitton outlet milano, the reporter met two of the zoo's staff, a person holding a large network, a man carrying a box, holding a thin tube, being and security of Mr. Shen down from above. See reporters, Mr. Shen said the monkey was gone. "We found four people in the house for a long time, did not find the monkey, is no trace." Mr. Shen do not understand how it would run away.

Suspected that the owners will take the monkey

Where's the monkey? Ran gone? This troubled security and zoo staff. However,http://ie.ieie.cc/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=10838325, the property staff mentioned, it has been seen a monkey owners carry over when the owner is secretive, and witnesses did not see. Security speculated may be the owner of a small monkey noon led away. "Do you think that outsiders can not close the monkeys, and no one to give it to open the door. Monkey might be tempted to home owners." Mr. Shen said only estimates, not sure.

Zoo staff said, and now the monkey was gone, they are unable to catch the monkeys, they suggested that the owners look for security,http://din-timelines.com/cgi-bin/forums/x-forum.cgi, to persuade the owners of the monkey zoo, If not, then you can come away zoo monkeys. "Monkeys will hurt, very naughty, ran wherever possible is a mess, not acquaintances simply can not handle." Staff said.

Individuals can keep a monkey? 1 September afternoon, the reporter consulted the Qingdao Municipal Forestry Bureau. Wildlife Conservation Station staff said,http://hubal.bialystok.pl, monkeys are more common, usually with a monkey who is this monkey, which belongs to the national animal protection. "Domesticated national animal protection, and only have the expertise to handle the domestication and breeding license before they can currently handle Castle has not had a license for individuals, zoos and other units only have a license." Staff said.

Text / reporter Li Bing


Another group renting fire


Reporter survey found that two-bedroom is separated out six "pigeon's nest"


Electric vehicle charging close implantation

WASHINGTON (intern reporter Wang Qipeng Chen Yawei) 6 o'clock yesterday morning, the 8th floor of Building 403,http://din-timelines.com/cgi-bin/forums/x-forum.cgi,cheap red bottom shoes, Chaoyang District, a group of renters happen Baiziwan East Village fire, a girl was injured. It is understood that the fire may be due to the electric car battery explosion caused during charging. After the fire, in addition to a girl next door frightened removed, the remaining tenant representation will continue to live here,http://club.miyazaki-mu.ac.jp/bell/yybbs/yybbs.cgi, because here the rent is low.

Yesterday, the reporter went to the floor of the incident found that the corridor is still choking smell burnt. Facing the elevator escape openings, four or five fire extinguishers put into a row. Fire door wide open room 803, the room dark,http://www.visitware.com, several tenants are waiting electrician came to pick electricity. Fire is a partition out of the room,moncler outlet, the fire department has been closed, the door is also close to a paper that read: "C Dark" (homeowner custom house number).

"6 o'clock in the morning, when he heard a sound, and then lived in the room next door to us girls to wake up everyone, we know is on fire." Tenant Xiaolei (a pseudonym) said, although we are very scared, but did not The girl dropped the fire in the room, but the side of self-help,http://www.als-net.com/cgi-bin/keijiban/als-keijiban.cgi, one side trying to put her out. Fortunately,http://blog.vanghe.cn/?action-viewcomment-type-news-itemid-17, that the girl opened the door himself escaped, but was injured. Xiaolei said the injured girl was taken to the hospital ambulance,http://www.afirmfwc.org/cgi-bin/index.cgi, his family has arrived in Beijing.

Cleaning staff responsible for the building of health, said the injured girl is not a light injury on his face and arms are injured. "I heard that for the electric car battery charging, the battery exploded, debris fell on the quilt." It is understood that the injured girl was in his early 20s, had just moved less than a month, every day from morning to evening,air max outlet, rent passengers who do not even know her name.

After the fire, the fire stayed in the room next door "B dark," the girl was frightened and moved away. Reporters saw the girl lived in the room moved only about eight square meters, completely shady, there is only a 1.5-meter-wide bed, a simple computer desk and a wardrobe, the only appliance is installed on the wall an energy-saving lamps. Tenants say this room and the room like a small fire, which the pattern is the same. As the room is too small, only on the bed when the battery is charged.

Reporters learned that Room 803 is an area of 101 square meters of two-bedroom. A tenant reports, intermediary to fight off this house, divided into six foreign rental tenants are university graduates and migrant workers. This fire comes to tenants who have fear, but most people have said they do not consider the wards. "Do not fight off the house Well sure, but the price will go up, rent a room going around 1,300 yuan, although poor group rent, the rent is 400-1000 yuan." As for the security issue, they say,hogan outlet 2015, can only more attention to their own.

Tenants say, because wages are not high,http://www.suma-yc.org, so the rent is forced to live in groups. Reporters learned from the downstairs agency, rent a one bedroom neighboring cell is 4000 yuan per month, the master bedroom with a bathroom is nearly 2,http://www.wazoo.jp/open/giravanz20130811game,000 yuan, and rent a room about 10 square meters off only a few hundred dollars . One agency told reporters that formal intermediary companies generally do not provide room partition rental, even only in some small black intermediary agency to rent between partitions. "Playing off of the house is not only unsafe, but also because it is not a regular agency,boutique louboutin paris, the tenant also often deceived."

(Original title: electric vehicle charging close to implantation)


5, there are users post, said at the site of Long Lane, Wujin village there is a widowed when guaranteeing that matters to the village to ask, after the controversy occurred with the village accountant, was grabbed by the hair beaten former village secretary, who sustained multiple injuries . Online local town government replied that in the dispute, because the ground slippery old accidentally slipped to the ground; the old man injured in a total of two times, but all was an accident. There are a lot of friends on the village cadres beat the conduct of the accused, but some users think it remains to be investigated, not believe in one-sided

Wang root elderly

I went to the village to be beaten twice subsistence

In the hospital, was beaten Wang root elderly (a pseudonym) is an intravenous drip, there is a twenty-three cm long wound was stitched on his lower lip, a bruised right elbow and traces. Speaking of things that day, the old man is still very excited mood:. "At 8:00 on the 5th and more, I went to the village to ask guaranteeing the issue," Wang said his roots three years ago to do the minimal needs,http://ap-class1.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=2900111, but I do not know why only a month 100 yuan. "I asked Zhang, told him not under his control, so I'm looking for Week accountant." So look for female accountant Zhou asked, "I said to my subsistence how only 100 a month, guaranteeing documents show me please ? She said you have to see what qualifications? said you are not guaranteeing qualification. "Wang said he has roots an anxious, he took her hand and would like to ask clear, the two quarrel ensued. "The old secretary Zhang Xinyi (a pseudonym) suddenly skyrocketed, grabbed my hair, hit me head with his fist, hit three or four." Root said Wang was the other one pulled over, fell to the ground, "there is a wall lockers, my head hit the door cabinet. "

The king got up to leave the village came to town rooted government Home Office, the staff said, "Let the village next year when reporting the material gets here, see if you can apply for help and more." After a reply, the king has roots back to the village to remind village submitted materials to help themselves next year. "The road, my brother, nephew them, together with go." When the village, and everyone else, Wang said the root, "You just hit me wrong ......" punches hit again his head, "is to be broken his lips a fist, threw up a few mouthfuls of blood."

Retired secretary Zhang Xinyi

Wang root relatives waving arm hit my subconscious friendly fire

Reporters in the infusion room to find Zhang Xinyi observation ward. Bruising around his right eye, high swollen right cheek near the neck of a forty-five cm long scratches the inside of the left arm there was a big purple bruise thumb points. Lift the day before it happened, he looked very helpless, "I have retired, and now only assist branch secretary job." , "said the king had been dissatisfied with the root of their subsistence allowances less than the others, he came and asked Zhou Accounting Zhou accountant replied: 'You have nine sub-fields, as well as hand and flowers grafting craft.' be king root is considered dead, and asked why someone taller than him weeks accountant said:? 'You do not say others,prada borse,http://www.kansmemo.com, as well as the villagers say you guaranteeing sufficient qualifications. "Hearing this, the king has roots severely beat up the next desk,chaussure nike pas cher femme, (and) also to pull the week accounting hand," I'll pull up, he said,http://www.sendaimiyagidc.jp/templates/user/mailsystem/mailsystem.cgi, there is something good to talk,http://suma-yc.org, he sat down The result, said a few words, he 'vertical', as if the accounting fight week, I saw right,http://www.davidereed.com, dragging him up. "Let did not think that was just dragged through the village committee office, the ground slippery,scarpe hogan interactive,http://www.lightinthebox.com, Wang root again wearing a pair of slippers, suddenly slipped, hit the edge of the desk. He helped up,http://www.leme.pt/pesquisa/search.cgi, and brought him to the edge of a small office to sit down and talk for a while after. "He smiled to go." about half an hour later, he saw the king has roots with the five or six people aggressive on the floor, "I did not tell him a few sentence, his nephew called a sound 'fight, nothing broke my prison of' five or six people rushing to hit me, fists, slapped, and others picked up the ashtrays, planters hit me ...... "For Wang wound lips have roots, a village committee deputy director, said when been hit, "waved his arms subconsciously" friendly fire.

Government departments to explain

An elderly Taiwanese themselves slipping touched Zhang Xinyi hand corner is a fence overexert hurt his mouth

Local town government, said the old man wounded twice, but all was an accident.

"Beating" the village cadres actually retired secretary, who later also wounded elderly relatives.

A local town government responsible person, Internet rumors were wounded elderly tempest root. However, due to the elderly, there are some land, but also the craft, he usually has to work to earn money to help people. After the village learned of these cases, the elderly will reduce the original 140 yuan per month to $ 100 per month for subsistence. This is because the payment of subsistence allowances to be deducted from farm subsidies and coolie-income, but income is less than 360 yuan / month making it up.

Guaranteeing that the amount is reduced,hogan outlet 2015, which makes the king has roots very unhappy. On the morning of the incident,http://home.att.ne.jp/wind/pal9000/cgi-bin/yybbs.cgi, he came to the village committee, request for additional subsistence allowance, the village accountant to explain to him the reasons for reducing the amount of subsistence, but the king has roots dissatisfaction explanation village accountant, hands pulling accounting. At this time, the village's old secretary, 68-year-old retired veteran Zhang Xinyi (a pseudonym) was also just at the scene, he was classmates with the king root, but the village accountant also a fifty-year-old woman, so I drove up discourage, dissuade drag in the process, the king wearing slippers have roots in the just drag across the ground slipped, hit the stage hand corner by a little hurt. Later, the old secretary king root to start work after the king root obey guaranteeing subsidies interpretation returned. But soon, the king root and several of his relatives came to the village demanding an explanation, but these people threw ashtrays in the village office, throwing cups,hogan sito ufficiale, and attacked and beat Zhang Xinyi. Conflicts, Zhang Xinyi right eye was swollen neck was scratched. According to witnesses, the king has several relatives roots when beaten , Zhang Xinyi hand fence, due to excessive force arm accidentally hurt Wang root mouth. The local police station after intervention to quell the matter. Doctors believe that there is no need for hospitalization. Currently, local police are still further deal with the matter.

Zhou Meng battle


[Xinmin exclusive report] today (May 9) morning,louboutin soldes, Xinmin received puliao friends, get in Hami Road 1100 near a sidewalk sudden collapse occurs, a depression about three square meters large puddles.

Xinmin reporter on the scene saw the collapse of the sidewalk near Hamilton Road, cola intersection Jing Ye slaves pedestrian Bridge on the embankment, construction workers have now been surrounded by fences. Read on from the hole underneath the muddy water formed a small pond. In addition to the collapse of the road, surrounding the hole has a certain degree of sedimentation. Reporters saw the collapse mouth water depth of about forty centimeters away,http://bridgeco.jp/cgi-bin/days/days.cgi?command=read_message&msgnum=20/t/, is surrounded by three drainage wells,http://bbs.glgs.mgame.baidu.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=78360, wells have been opened, several surveyors are using the scale and range finder survey collapse area, and not far away from the collapsed section a drainage pumping station.

One eyewitness told reporters,http://klibredb.lib.kanagawa-u.ac.jp,christian louboutin outlet, 0900, he heard a sound of bricks falling into the water, then saw the sidewalk there was a big puddle. Fortunately, there was no people and vehicles pass.

A site person in charge in an interview with reporters,http://lauzyprygdjerwwprqqq.seesaa.net, said Xinmin,http://www.gitc.pref.nagano.lg.jp,chaussures louboutin hommes,http://www.global-link.jp/soudan.html, the relevant departments received the news, first at the scene investigations by specialized departments responsible for the specific cause of the accident survey. "We specifically puddles and drainage wells scale and depth finder survey, data analysis through specific extent within a puddle of sediment loss to investigate the cause of the collapse generated." The official speculated that the collapse may be the long-term groundwater erosion,nike air max pas cher, sediment soft ground due. Reporters learned that the collapse of the three drainage wells cave system built around five years ago, mainly for the discharge of sewage, site investigation showed that the depth of the well water is less than the depth of the collapse of the regional water level.

Because of the collapse area perpendicular to the Hamilton Road sidewalk leading to a community,http://yeast.lab.nig.ac.jp/cgi-bin/nig/search.cgi, few pedestrians,http://www.jyukenjyuku.jp,hogan outlet, traffic around the accident did not cause too much influence and pedestrians. At present, the specific reasons for the collapse is still under investigation. (Xinmin reporter intern Wang Xiaojun Wei Yun)


Newspaper reporter intern Dengya Bin Wang Xia Zhuzhou reports

"The pants off, I'll give you body temperature." First, middle-aged man Zengmou to twelve dollars, then buy cheap jade and electronic form both hands to do the physical examination in the name of the little boy lured to the area in the corner and the toilet, before and after molesting more than 10 boys. Yesterday, Zhuzhou City Hawthorn Public Security Bureau police station Osmanthus Zengmou conduct a full investigation.

Playback: The little boy with the electronic table trick

Stuff (a pseudonym), who lives in Zhuzhou City coalfield area, reading grade two, and once came home from school, Zengmou stopped him and gave him a dollar,http://www-ya.magma.ne.jp/~y-jc/cgi-bin/yjcbbs/honey.cgi?mode=howto, he said, to help make a medical examination. Stuff was then taken to a nearby toilet, "the pants off, I'll give you body temperature ......" In this way, the stuff was Zengmou obscene.

Zhuzhou City Public Security Bureau,http://jfy4ghtuertfy.bloguez.com/jfy4ghtuertfy/4856010/clever.cgi, according to Hawthorn Guihua,ray ban outlet, deputy director of the police station YE introduced Zengmou later also bought some cheap jade and electronic form, lured the boy to reach obscene purposes.

Children who suddenly a jade and electronic form, which caused the parents of suspicion. Thus, in pressed parents,christian louboutin homme, children who speak out uncle who gave them medical thing. Parents were also found in coalfield communities and Hunan Machinery Plant life in the region, there are more than 10 young boys were molested Zengmou.

On the 11th in the evening,http://www.foss.lk/comment/profile.php?uid=59, along with several injured child's parents, the Zengmou seized and turned over to the Public Security Bureau in Zhuzhou City Hawthorn osmanthus police station.

Survey: physical defects lead to mental defect

According to this year's 36-year-old Zengmou account of his physical defect bit before looking for a girlfriend too, because physical defects,http://www.ryokolink.com, and get along for some time, his girlfriend broke up with him. After his girlfriend broke up,louboutin femme pas cher, Zengmou very inferior, thought obscene boy. Zengmou later came up with the money or send jade and electronic table approach, in the name of medical examination for small boys were molested. Each time molested little boys, he was psychologically there is a pleasure,http://www.axiabridge.com/sunbbs/sunbbs.cgi?mode=form&no=6&page=,abercrombie soldes, but also to satisfy his own desires.

"He believes that it is illegal to find the girl, looking for the boys will be fine." Police investigators,air jordan discount, "said 7-year-old victim of the smallest, the largest nine-year-old, all boys, there are over 10." Police also told reporters Zengmou by parents who come to the police station seized and turned over, who was also carrying a bottle of lubricant, a thermometer,http://www.gourmetseed.com, two jade and an electronic form.

Reminder: Parents should strengthen communication with children

Hawthorn Zhuzhou City Public Security Bureau deputy director YE osmanthus police said the case of the child victims were not told to go home after their parents Zengmou obscene,http://ikazuhiro.s206.xrea.com, child's parents are unaware of the beginning, indicating that communication is not enough for parents and children . He said that as a parent, and the child usually have to strengthen communication, to educate the children do not easily accept gifts and gift, especially a stranger to others, knowing when to call for help when you want to educate a child had been violated. "When these kids to accept so-called medical examination in the toilet,http://hookele.org, can call the adult self." YE warned that parents of young children usually have to strengthen the rule of law and self-protection awareness education, to teach children what things must be accountable adults say it, so that it can reduce or avoid some criminal violations.

Currently, Zhuzhou Hawthorn police still investigating the case further.

and is still required to continue to work

September 5 morning,http://www.metareha.com, including this newspaper, six media reporters, have visited Ouhai EDB interview, "Lin Zhongwen Ouhai Steering Board of Education was arrested regarding work time gambling", an interview has not yet started ,http://www.vietnavi.com,, Even hands shoving reporters. Reporters interviewed the normal staff Ou Department of Education has suffered so treated, the incident in the afternoon, the former Commission for Discipline Inspection Department of Education Zhou Xiuwen Ouhai (claiming to have been transferred to other posts, but has not officially assumed office) promised: "will be investigated , give us a result. "

Reporter Ying Lan

Has been criticized for security

5 pm, Ouhai Board of Education official came forward to explain the issue of containment reporters, saying that it was a misunderstanding,http://wx.jazzsynth.com/wxcgi/kizai/sunkizai.cgi?mode=form&no=70&page=2, it may be within the Department of Education office staff, "Reporters are mistaken parents."

advised reporters "to be generous,http://oita-tirasi.com," said the investigation will go back to understand, if true, would criticize education-related personnel.

4 o'clock yesterday afternoon, reporters once again came Ouhai Department of Education, Bureau deputy director, spokesman domain Fleming said: "After the incident, let the bureau to monitor the room has carried out some investigation, mainly criticized the security gate Education. "

As for the findings, there has been no positive response Fleming domain and proposed:. "Request Ouhai Committee Propaganda Department investigation to come forward."

Ouhai Department of Education Oversight Office Linduan Jiang said: "For some media published the video shots, I contacted the two staff members were present (one phone, one is asked about walking met),christian louboutin homme, and asked them There is no curse, there is no hands, they have denied. Therefore,http://ele115.seesaa.net, the specific circumstances but also to verify,http://www.sbflyfishers.com, or to let other departments involved in the investigation. "

But has not revealed two staff members to contact him, specifically what identity.

Ouhai attitude for dealing with the Department of Education, the reporter last night telephone contact Ouhai committee secretary Li Xiuzhen, staff informed in a meeting. Subsequently, the party committee propaganda department staff to call a reporter, said:. ". District Publicity Department of the Department of Education has no authority to investigate the specific situation we want to communicate with the Department of Education related to leadership, not to publish attitude"

Users post, said, "Lin" eat empty rates

In addition, about gambling caught Ouhai EDB DuDaoShi public officer Lin Zhongwen, last night there are users post "work time gambling was arrested for Education Steering Lin eat empty rates of former employees," said: "There Insider who broke the news, work time because of gambling caught Ouhai Steering Board of Education Lin, Department of Education is supernumerary staff eat empty rates,http://www.ishi-pax.com, currently at a business leadership positions, Ouhai EDB similar situation persists, the relevant departments who has been an eye, close one eye. Lin after the accident,lancel pas cher, some employees were asked to eat empty rates punch card records. "

In response to this argument, the domain Fleming responded that Lin Zhongwen "in a corporate leadership positions," and so saying, he had never heard before, you need to go through in order to answer the survey.

Domain Fleming said: "Before Lin Zhongwen always work properly,http://www.surg1.med.tohoku.ac.jp, but in accordance with the relevant provisions of the institutional reform in Wenzhou, men over 53 years old, will no longer serve as the middle position, so the 56-year-old ,chaussures louboutin hommes, in fact, the second-tier back."

Domain Fleming said: council staff for "back second-tier", and is still required to continue to work, but in terms of attendance and workload will give some care requirements can be relaxed.

As for how to relax the requirements, Ouhai Department of Education staff have no more than give a specific explanation,basket nike pas cher, only to recognize the "file is not available in this area", but the council has been doing.

Fleming domains also told reporters: "the incident since August 6,gucci homme pas cher, Lin Zhongwen been normal for the unit to work, Sept. 6 pm Ouhai Discipline Inspection Commission also called to understand the situation."

Baidu defense

"I have received a total of more than 160 text messages curse, also received harassing phone calls late at night, my dignity and spirit have been seriously hurt!" Tsinghua University Professor Cai Jiming because two of the country made during the Golden Week break proposal,http://ohh.sisos.co.jp/cgi-bin/openhh/search.cgi, while was part of the Internet users in the Baidu Post Bar set up a "Cai Jiming posted it," verbal abuse abusive conduct. Professor Cai communicate with Baidu, asking them to shut down after it has been processed paste, put Beijing Baidu Network Technology Co. taken to court, seeking to delete paste it in insulting remarks, compensation for mental damages and costs totaling 210 million yuan rights .

Professor encounter: Post Bar issued funerary published telephone number

The plaintiff alleged that Cai Jiming, 2006 as a professor at Tsinghua University School of Humanities and Social Sciences,Jordan Zapatillas Espa?a, the CPPCC National Committee, commissioned by the Association Central Committee, set up the system, Tsinghua University Holiday reform task force. The research team using a large amount of data to prove that, for eight years, China has implemented a system for Golden Week tourism income growth and no significant stimulating effect, it makes a change for the Golden Week holiday concentrated dispersion vacation. March 2007, Professor Cai as the CPPCC National Committee submitted during the two sessions of the holiday reform proposals. In December, the State Council issued a decision to amend the holidays, which adopted most of the content of the reform program.

After media reports,nike air max pas cher, Baidu Post Bar and soon there was a "Cai Jiming it." Professor Cai said that since December 2007 to date,gucci outlet, which posted it published a serious infringement of the rights of the plaintiff more than three thousand posts, with extremely filthy language on the plaintiff abuse, insults and slander, and some would call Professor Cai upload photos "Cai Jiming funerary",http://www.hariak.net46.net, and some even posted it on Professor Cai published phone number,http://snowstorm.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/site.cgi, home phone number and e-mail address, "my phone has more than 160 text messages curse!" before the hearing yesterday, Professor Cai presented to reporters the evidence of his own suffering harassment.

Professor Cai said that he had contacted communicate with Baidu, hope they can close the post bar, but has not been addressed. It believes that Baidu is obliged to provide cyberspace, while the content posted it on a review of published and is responsible for the Internet users in the forum published insults, verbal abuse and threats of post processing, "I raised two million mental damages but a symbolic number representing me and my family suffered serious injuries. "Cai said angrily.

Baidu defense: a complaint has been promptly delete posts

For the reputation, portrait, name right Chua raised privacy infringement allegations,http://www.scs-uda.com, Baidu's attorney countered one by one. It pointed out that Baidu provides an electronic bulletin board services,http://www.mapfan.com/spotdetail.cgi, involving users posts are published,http://www.rockclimbing.com, the publisher shall bear tort liability. As management responsibilities, Baidu has done to advance tips obligations and regulatory obligations afterwards. Because Baidu Post Bar has a daily posting volume on one million,air jordan pas cher, one by one manually exclude difficult to achieve. Only received complaints related parties,http://www.vegeta.jp/cgi-bin/recipe/noahbbs.cgi, in order to remove the infringing remarks. And after receiving complaints Baidu Professor Cai has been fully removed promptly infringement post.

In addition, Professor Cai holiday reform of the submitter,louboutin soldes, is the focus of the media interviewed, their personal information has been published in various ways to the community,http://tennisshop.jp/cgi-def/admin/C-002/bulletinboard/visit/main.pl, no longer belongs to privacy, and its rights were infringed even name the problem does not exist.

Morning News reporters Ye Qing and Wen Bingshe